Monday, February 4, 2008

Constant is Change

I've had a good week of down time and... I'm bored... again. I needed this time to do some of the things that I've been neglecting (i.e. laundry, planning my automotive repairs and getting ready for the next big thing with the theatre, ICTL Festival. Auditions for both 'Arabian Nights' and 'School House Rock' are this coming monday and tuesday. I'm tentatively going to help with 'Nights'. The tentative part of that is the fact that the director has yet to accept my offer to help. If, for some reasons that may be revealed to me over dinner on tuesday or wednesday, that I am not a part of that production, I shall inquire with one that is in the rehearsal process at this writing, 'Unexpected Guest' or see if I can jump on board with the director of 'School House Rock' in some way(s). We'll see. When I was out picking up lunch today, I spoke with a dear theatre friend of mine and he shared with me that one of the cast members from 'Man of LaMancha' is searching for individuals to play the roles of famous historical americans for school children. One would need to read a couple of books on that particular person and create a dialogue/scripted presentation of that historian. It sounds interesting. I'm not terribly big on american based historians but, it would be a paying gig. That does make it sound interesting. Apparently, my name was brought up in this conversation and when I was asked about it today I said I would possibly be interested in it. I might get a call from my former co-cast member this week about it. I'm going to hold out giving an answer until I know where I stand with these other possibilities. It could be a great opportunity to get some performance time under my belt. I need it. I've got a great many goals for myself in 2008 with regards to my theatre work. I will learn to operate either or possibly both lights and sound operation (perhaps even, programming them as well). The director of 'West Side Story' has indicated that I'm being considered for the stage manager for the show this summer. I'll need an on-stage manager as well. If things go as I hope they will, I will be running either lights or sound for the show as well... that's my intention, at least. Here I go again.
Work, on the other hand, has been quite slow so, my active theatre work will keep me in an active state of mind from a creative perspective. I did just finish up a Steeler's football jersey sign by Bettis and designed a nice collage arrangement of patches and a Sports Illustrated cover in with the jersey. While I could not give two shits about the subject matter, it did come out looking the way I had envisioned it to be... AWESOME! It was a labour-intensive project but well worth the time spent (even though it wasn't exactly challenging other than getting the desired effect of matting around the patches and the magazine cover). The construction of it was quite easy. Things do tend to work out quite well when I plan and design things with some prefaced thought. This one is another example of that. Time takes time.