Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Frame Fucktory - Closing Remarks

As I think back, to the telephone hearing that took place at the end of July of 2009 that was a moment of closure on a period of my life that needed to be let go (and believe me, I did that on so many levels it's actually funny now). I made a consorted effort to bring to light the truth about what had occurred in the months leading up to January 20th, 2009 (the day I was liberated from a man who talked mighty and acted minor). Even on the day of the hearing, he told of an instance to try and demonstrate that i was, in fact (in his view) a horrible, ruthless person. As I listened to his testimony to the judge, I remember thinking... 'I wonder if he'll tell the whole story of those events that transpired with the situation he was telling???' BUZZ!(wrong answer). Once, and finally, again, he failed to tell the whole story. He only spoke of the elements that demonstrated his point and not the truth that would have clearly shown his poor management and communication skills. The case was decided on a simple thing (pathetic as it was). I had not answered Greg when he asked me, 'What's the matter?' on that day. The rest of the testimony was moot from that point forward. Yes, he failed because he could face up to the reality (much less explain it to anyone) about his own inability to give complete disclosure about the situations (perhaps, as we all knew, was because it would have made him out to be exactly what everyone who worked with him to be... a coward. I have posted after almost a year the two letters I composed and submitted to Workforce Development Judge to share with all of you where I was back then with all of this unnecessary crap. In terms of Greg Dale and the Frame Factory, he failed on all levels with me and, in return, he received all that he deserved since then. I gave an Oscar award winning performance on the phone that day. Ultimately, I got exactly what I wanted and he helped me attain that goal: Freedom. Peace.

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