Monday, June 25, 2007

Post-Show Syndrome

Here I am once again, bored, bored, bored (and still bored, even). 'Private 'Parts'' is now in the past and I have my free time once again. Man, this sucks. I'd much rather be excessively busy than this... too much time to think about the rest of my life. Working on mondays at the theatre actually maintains my 'fix' for the theatre in between shows. Today, as an example was a productive day towards 'High-On-Something' (i.e. High School Musical). It's nice to know that Mr. C. and Mr. D. appreciate the time I give every week. I'm concerned about Mr. C. and his health. I'm consciously aware that he does put in very long hours at the theatre. His passion is having some side effects that I hope he is able to deal with and come back stronger from. I worry about my friends. It's amazing, in the progression of time I've gone from knowing of him in conversation to knowing the him and being able to call him a good friend in the span of about two years (ever since, 'Hello Dolly'). The theatre has opened up several avenues of friendship with people within the organization. Working alongside these very creative people has certainly inspired me to put more of myself into this artform.
Another example, Kathleen, who paid both Ed and myself a fine compliment yesterday. Actually, both her and Melanie paid one to us as well through the show. The one they conveyed was that they would not go to the cast party without us. The other one Kathleen said to us yesterday was that we seemed like two really nice guys. I find myself appreciating those kinds of gestures and words. It will travel miles farther than and grandiose displays of appreciation (I'll gladly take those as they come as well, of course).
I'm planning on taking this week off from any major theatre work. Next week may prove to be another opportunity with 'High On Something'. That production may have a need for a second stage manager that I may offer to do (besides, David has been pouty with me because I've not done anything with him since 'La Mancha'... he's just joking around with me when he does that, I know). Still, it would be fun to work with him twice in one year.
At present, life is a bit slow-moving but, it is, as always, good.

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