Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Change or Reveal?

A quote from a person who's name escapes me at the moment, 'People do not change, they simply reveal themselsves'. I agree with this without apprehension. I think about how I react and respond to situations now and how I recall situations in the past that shared similar characteristics and know that the primary element that changes constantly speaks to one's experiences in life and the knowledge that when something is said or done, there is a reaction to that. Perhaps, I'm deducing life down to easily (perhaps, it really is that easy... who knows?). The things that I say on here are personal and private and yet, I've decided to make them and, just as importantly, myself open to the public discourse of those around me who know me in their lives... you. I write this as a journal and also as a autobiography that everyone can read. I reveal myself to the reader in ways that may cause an open discussion outside the infinite void of cyberspace. The notion and act of blogging serves many purposes. The most obvious is that it provides, for myself, a means by which to bring things to light about myself that I would othewise not mention... kind of a 'bravery of being out of range' approach to clinical therapy (and quite a bit less of a financial obligation... this being based solely upon your internet service and monthly rate). I'm working towards a open discourse about who I am and how I relate to the people in my life. It's a life's work in progress. It's very... human (even on here). Sure there is an open channel by which you, the reader, can comment on what you read here. It does allow for me to articulate myself a bit more conscientiously and reveal that I am aware of my own self-imposed limitations to express it anywhere else. Maybe I'm talking in circles (or tongues) but, I do that only to try and make my point(s) clear. Sometimes (perhaps even now) I may simply instill utter confusion... oh well. At least I feel better about getting these thoughts out there and into other people's view to read, perceive and understand who I am more so. To reveal thy self to thee.

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