Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Future Work Enviornment

This is a vision of how I would like to see the future workforce well... work. It's a self-motivating design that, while it's not perfected, it's certainly a good start. Here it goes. What if you are presented with the workload or expectations of accomplishing a certain amount of work. Based upon the work needed to be completed. You are given a typical work week in which to complete it (again, based upon customer expexctations). If you accomplish all that is placed upon your 'shoulders' in say twenty-five hours as opposed to the typical forty hours work week, would you be up for it. Work for two or three days and have the rest of the week off. Sound interesting? Here's the clincher, and get paid for a forty hour work week. I'm serious! This of course means having a much larger network of vendors who can acclimate themselves to operating with a system such what I'm suggesting... an ideal situation (none or, fewer delays... quick resolutions to problems in a expedient manner... the way we all expect it to happen whenever we patronize a business). Customers are happy, employees are happy as well. And everyone get to spend time enjoying their lives more. Give a hundred and ten percent of yourself all the time and get rewarded for it in the short term and the long term. Providing that sales continue to grow and revenue does like-wise, you would receive an annual bonus as well. Now, I know that there are some loop holes in this idea such as, who works when we're not around? Other employees that are trained to do more of the remedial work would handle that aspect of it and, that's all they do. A decent wage as well for them based upon their productivity and the revenues that they produce in selling the product and/or services that a particular business offers. The working week would be say three days in a row or, perhaps every other day during the week. Leaving tuesday, thursday, saturday and sunday free for you to relax. Still sounding appealling? I thought so. Working smarter and yes, harder for a shorter duration. Get paid like you were there the full week and have more time for yourself and the people in your life. Would you try it if you had the opportunity to do so? I know I would. It would motivate me to get up on those working days so that I could accomplish the goals put before me so that I may have the time off that I've worked towards having and accomplished. One of the biggest contentions that I have deals with why we have to be at our place of employment when there are down times and business is slow. I'd just assume get in, and get out as quickly as I possibly can. That's what I try and do now under what I consider is a stale working system that is truly up for review. Giving your employees the motivation to work productively and pay them for that productivity and even reward them again at the end of the fiscal year with bonus checks. I don't know about you but, I would certainly critique my current employer's operation and tell them to take a flying leap. The existing workplace does not inspire motivation and/or productivity in it's worker's. I'm proposing that one work so that they can... go home! You know, live the rest of your life, in leisure. It may sound a bit far-fetched but, I cannot think of anyone who would even think of this, muchless apply it to a real workplace. I would, absolutely! Just looking at how hard working people work and know that given a workplace that inspires and motivates them to be productive and reward them in the short term and the long term, would you not choose it? I bet you would. These ideas have been bouncing around in my head for the past few years. I think it would create a gratifying situation for everyone concerned. Things get done on time or, hopefully faster. The customer is impressed and the employee looks really good not only to the employer, consumer and most importantly, to themselves (can you say, 'raise my self esteem... empowerment). The more I dwell upon this idea, the more I want to do it in the workplace. Again, not a perfect idea but, definitely a change for the better in the terms of working and one's leisure time. Ahhhhhhhhhh!

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